Meet thechef

“Good Eatz” by Chef Reem is a self-made business founded by Kareem Brown. Kareem known as Chef Reem was born in Trinidad raised in Brooklyn, New York. Chef Reem’s passion and ambition came from learning how to cook from his mother. While attending college Chef Reem began his cooking business selling food to college students and facility members. After mastering these foods and receiving positive feedback from classmates and teammates Chef Reem knew this business was promising. Especially when people started requesting orders more frequently.

When word got around campus that Chef Reem can cook, that's when Chef Reem came up with the catchphrase ‘Good Eatz”. After graduating from college Chef Reem started his Instagram page to see if he can start selling plates around the neighborhood. From there on everyone, from all over people started supporting him. His career path showcases the power of making changes when you are not satisfied. He is never satisfied because he wants to be great and to keep on improving his cooking skills. His ultimate goal is to open a restaurant one day or become a celebrity chef.